5 Kimball 5 Etta Haywood Faulkner History Genealogy Woodstock Carleton County New Brunswick


Prepared by: Etta Haywood-Faulkner

May, 2003


5th GENERATION INDEX: 5. RICHARD #8 KIMBALL 5. Richard #8[5] KIMBALL (Richard #1 4124, 4). Born, circa 1623, in Rattlesden ENG[1]. Died, 1676. (3*) KIMBALL Richard 2 (Richard 1) was born at Rattlesden, in the county of Suffolk, England, about 1623, & came to America in the ship Elizabeth with his father. He married twice, both his wives having Mary for a given name. It is probable that his second wife was named Mary Gott. His first wife died Sept. 2, 1672. He had eight children that were alive at the time of his death, as is shown by an agreement made between them & his widow. Their names are not given in the agreement. Several depositions of his are on file in the court records at Salem. In September, 1658, he says: "That his Uncle Thomas Scott of Ipswich challenged the upland down to the Marsh & his son after him while I lived on Goodman Shatswell's farm for seven years." Richard Kimball of Wenham was grand juror in 1661. Richard was of Topsfield in 1664. He was called a wheelwright & yeoman. He removed to Wenham between the years 1652 & 1656. He was the first settler of the name in Wenham. He settled in the western part of the town, near Ladd's hill. He appears to have been the largest taxpayer among the early settlers, & his descendants have generally been in comfortable circumstances. He was a large land holder, as is shown by numerous transactions recorded in Salem, Massachusetts. On July 6, 1665, he sold to his brother Caleb, f0r 30 pounds, hhis house with one acre of land about it, and six acres in the common field, all included in the bounds of Ipswich. PAGE 12: November 8, 1657, he subscribed 3 pounds as minister's rate, to be paid one half in wheat & one half in Indian corn. The next year he was chosen selectman, in which office he continued, with the exception of three years, till 1674. De. 4, 1660, hewas on the committee to see about building the new meeting house. The matter was deferred until Aug. 21, 1663, when the committee having at last agreed to build, he was one of the committee to join with the selectmen to put out the contract. 28, 12 mo (Feb.) 1663, "tis agreed yt there then shall be 200 Akers of land of ye best of our comon Leased to foure men for 1000 years; viz. to Abner Ordway, Thomas Searles, John Edwards & Richard Kemball Jr. They yielding & paying to the town severally for every fifty akers. 5s. for the first year & ... He married, first, Mary 4152. Died, 2 Sep 1672. Children: 6 i. John #6 4151[6] KIMBALL. He married, second, Mary Gott[2], after 1672. PAGE 13:
6TH GENERATION INDEX: 6. JOHN #6 (4141) KIMBALL 6. John #6 4151[6] KIMBALL (Richard #8, 5). Born, circa 1650. Died, circa 1721. >>>> "History of the Kimball Family in America": 12 John Kimball (3) Richard (2) Richard (1) was born about 1650 & died about 1721. He married, first, Sarah (surname not known), who died July 27, 1706; married 2d, Oct. 29, 1707, Hannah Burton. She was born in 1686 & survived her husband sixty-five years, dying Oct. 16, 1786, aged 100, daughter of Isaac Burton. John was an inhabitant of Boxford as early as 1669. August 24, 1665. Richard Hubbard confirmed to Richard Kimball of Wenham his farm in Rowley village (now Boxford). John probably settled on this land. He was made freeman March 22, 1688-9. By the frequency with which the name of "Corporal" Kimball is found upon the early records of the town it is evident that he was a man of importance in town affairs. In 1675 he was tax collector. In 1711 his name & those of his sons are upon the tax list. He was a member of the church in Topsfield, & was dismissed to the church in Boxford in 1702. His will is on file at Salem, Massachusetts., & bears date Feb. 19, 1718, & was probated April 15, 1721. He married, first, Sarah 4133. Died, 27 Jul 1706. Children: 7 i. Sarah[7] KIMBALL. ii. Mary 4137 KIMBALL. Born, 15 Jan 1670/1, in Boxford. She married Benjamin 4130 KIMBALL, 16 Jul 1694. 8 iii. Richard #9 KIMBALL. He married, second, Hannah Burton, daughter of Isaac Burton, 29 Oct 1707. Born, 1686. Died, 16 Oct 1786. PAGE 14:
7TH GENERATION INDEX: 7. SARAH KIMBALL 8. RICHARD #9 KIMBALL 7. Sarah[7] KIMBALL (John #6 4151, 6). Born, 19 Sep 1669, in Boxford. Died, 16 Nov 1720. She married William Foster 4141, son of William Foster and Mary #2 Jackson. Grandson of Reginald Foster, one of the first settlers of Ipswich, Massachusetts., who was ancestor of most of the Fosters of New England Children: i. Sarah[8] Foster. Born, 20 Apr 1693. ii. Mary Foster. Born, 2 Jan 1697/8, in Boxford. iii. John #1 Foster. Born, 27 Sep 1701, in Andover Massachusetts. Died, 17 Jun 1773. iv. Joseph Foster. v. Hannah Foster. She married John Lovejoy, 25 Jun 1722. vi. Lydia Foster. Born, 1707. She married Daniel Blunt. vii. Asa Foster. Born, 16 Jun 1710. Died, 17 Jul 1787. 8. Richard #9[7] KIMBALL (John #6 4151, 6). Born, 28 Sep 1673. Died, 22 Apr 1753, in Boxford. Do not know who he married He married an unknown woman. Children: 9 i. Jacob #1[8] KIMBALL. ii. Moses #2 KIMBALL. 10 iii. Aaron 4179 KIMBALL. iv. Amos Kimball. Born, 8 Sep 1707, in Boxford, Massachusetts. Died, 26 Jan 1788. PAGE 15:
8TH GENERATION INDEX: 9. JACOB #1 KIMBALL 10. AARON (4179) KIMBALL 9. Jacob #1[8] KIMBALL (Richard #9, 8). Born, 9 Jun 1700, in Boxford MA. INDIVIDUAL #4179 Died, 1787. Jacob Kimball moved to Andover previous to Feb. 23, 1724-5, when he received land from his father by deed of gift. He was a blacksmith & had a shop in Andover, Massachusetts. He sold his home in Andover to his brother, Moses Kimball, Oct. 11, 1765. His will was proven June 8, 1787. In it he mentions his wife, Sarah, thus showing that she was alive at that time. He married Sarah HALE, daughter of HALE, 11 Feb 1722/3. Born, 6 Apr 1704. She is called Sarah Kimball in the will of her brother, Jacob Hale, dated Dec. 19, 1731 Children: i. Sarah 4158[9] KIMBALL. Born, 5 Aug 1725. ii. Mary 4159 KIMBALL. Born, 12 Dec 1727. Died, 11 Feb 1730/1. iii. Hannah 4160 KIMBALL. Born, 1 Apr 1728. She married Thomas 4171 KIMBALL, son of Ephraim Kimball, 17 Feb 1757. iv. 4162 KIMBALL. Born, 26 Feb 1730/1[3]. v. Jacob 4161 KIMBALL. Born, 1731. Died, 8 Nov 1810, in Topsfield Massachusetts. vi. Benjamin KIMBALL. Born, 22 Mar 1732/3. Died, 23 May 1747. vii. Moses #3 KIMBALL. Born, 18 Jan 1735/6. 11 viii. Asa #2 KIMBALL. ix. Richard #10 KIMBALL. Born, 11 Jul 1740. Died, 12 Sep 1758. x. Mary 4167 KIMBALL. Born, Aug 1742. Died, 6 May 1747. 12 xi. Phoebe Kimball. 13 xii. Mercy KIMBALL. 10. Aaron 4179[8] KIMBALL (Richard #9, 8). Born, 17 Jan 1703/4, in Boxford, Massachusetts[4]. Died, before 1782[5]. Resided at Boxford, Massachusetts., where he was a deacon in the first church. His sons, Samuel & David, were leaders in the church choir about 1790. He married Sarah Wood, 13 May 1733. Born, 10 Oct 1707. Children: i. Lucy[9] Kimball. Born, 30 Apr 1734. She married Joseph Symonds Capt. PAGE 16: ii. Sarah 4182 KIMBALL. Born, 3 Dec 1736. She married, first, Abraham Reddington, 9 Aug 1757. She married, second, Humphrey Hook. 14 iii. Rebecca #2 KIMBALL. iv. David 4184 KIMBALL. Born, 2 Apr 1743. Died, 24 Mar 1810. He married Rebecca Flint[6], 24 Mar 1810. Individual flags: army. He was a soldier of the Revolution. On Apr 19, 1775, he was in ... v. Samuel 4185 Kimball. Born, 6 May 1748.
9TH GENERATION INDEX: 11. ASA #2 KIMBALL Etta says to any researacher to check the previous generations as I may have errored (note 4 March 2003) 12. PHOEBE KIMBALL 13. MERCY KIMBALL 14. REBECCA #2 KIMBALL 11. Asa #2[9] KIMBALL (Jacob #1, 9). Born, 15 Jun 1738, in Andover Massachusetts. Asa Kimball, son of Jacob & Sarah (Hale) Kimball, was born in Andover, Massachusetts. on June 15, 1738 & was married to was married to Hulda Tapley on 15 July 1760. He owned land in Andover, Massachusetts. Also resided in Boxford, Massachusetts., & Saint John, New Brunswick. In about 1775 he removed to Maugerville (pronounced Majorville) New Brunswick which was then called Nova Scotia where his wife had a brother Alexander Tapley. Alexander Tapley was married to Abigail Hood whose sister Susannah Hood was married to Israel Kenney. Asa Kimball was a member of the twelve committee men from Maugerville who in May 1775 asked for assistance from Massachusetts & George Washington for protection from the Indians & other aggressors. Asa Kimball & Asa Perley had carried the request to Massachusetts & although no troops were sent, guns & ammunition were. In approximately 1785, Mr. Kimball relocated to Bridgton, Maine where he acquired large land holdings & built a saw mill & made a large 300 foot long factory for making rope. His son Richard did not re-locate to Maine (at least permanently) with him but stayed in Burton, New Brunswick as he was married to Sarah Kenney. Asa Kimball moved to Bethel, Maine around 1800 & lived near the rest of his children until he died. Many of his descendants still live there. Their children were: Samuel Born 26 Jan 1761 when Asa was 23; Richard Born 24 Jan 1764 when Asa was 26; Hulda Born 22 Dec 1765 when Asa was 27; Asa Born 29 Nov 1767 Andover, Massachusetts when Asa was 29; Israel Born 2 Dec 1769 when Asa was 31; d Nov 1830; Jedediah Born 29 Sept 1771 when Asa was 33; d 26 March 1852; Sally Born New Brunswick; Hannah Born New Brunswick or Maine; Jacob #2 Note: the above reference to Maine was actually Massachusetts as Maine... did not become a state until 1820. He resided in Andover & Boxford, Massachusetts., Saint John, New Brunswick, and Bridgeton, Maine & built a rope-walk some 300 feet in length. PAGE 17: He married Huldah #2 4191 TAPLEY, daughter of Samuel #2 TAPLEY, 15 Jul 1760. Born, 1738, in Topsfield MA. Baptism: 28 Dec 1755, in Topsfield MA. Children: i. Samuel 4192[10] Kimball. Born, 26 Jan 1761, in Andover MA. Married Hannah 4204 Clark. He lived in Andover, Massachusetts., & moved to Bethel, Maine. in 1796 - brother of Richard see page 201 15 ii. Richard #6 KIMBALL Born 24 Jan 1764 iii. Hulda KIMBALL. Born, 22 Dec 1765. iv. Asa #3 4194 KIMBALL. Born, 29 Nov 1767, in Andover Massachusetts. v. Israel 4195 Kimball. Born, 2 Dec 1769. Died, Nov 1830. vi. Jedediah 4196 KIMBALL. Born, 29 Sep 1771. Died, 26 Mar 1852. vii. Sally Kimball. Born in Saint John New Brunswick. viii. Hannah 4198 Kimball. She married Timothy Bean[7]. ix. Jacob #2 4199 KIMBALL. 12. Phoebe[9] Kimball (Jacob #1, 9). Born, 14 Dec 1744. She married Timothy Styles[8], 16 Aug 1764. Children: i. Phineas[10] Styles. ii. Jacob Styles. 13. Mercy[9] KIMBALL (Jacob #1, 9). Born, 10 Apr 1747. She married Jonathan Peabody[8], 1 Dec 1767. Children: i. Sarah[10] Peabody[9]. Born, 8 Jun 1765. ii. Oliver Peabody. Born, 3 Mar 1770. iii. Amos Peabody. Born, 15 Sep 1772. 14. Rebecca #2[9] KIMBALL (Aaron 4179, 10). Born, 29 Mar 1740. She married Moses Putnam[10], 3 Apr 1768. Children: i. Stephen[10] Putnam. Born, 21 Mar 1772. ii. Sarah Putnam. Born, Nov 1773. PAGE 18:
10TH GENERATION INDEX: 15. RICHARD #6 KIMBALL 15. Richard #6[10] KIMBALL, (Asa #2, 11). Born, 24 Jan 1764, in Andover MA. Died, 3 Jan 1844, in Burton New Brunswick. Richard Kimball was born in Andover, Massachusetts. on 24 January 1764 the son of Asa & Huldah (Tapley) Kimball. He moved to Maugerville, New Brunswick (then called Nova Scotia) in about 1775 & a few years thereafter; also resided at St. John, New Brunswick married (1st) Sarah Kenney, the daughter of Israel & Susannah (Hood) Kenney. Richard Kimball lived in Burton until his death on 3 January 1844. He married a second time to Francais? a loyalist in the mid 1830's & she died in 1854. Richard Kimball's children were: ** Asa b 1785 m 1st Susan Cogswell m 2nd Ann Parlee (or Carle) Aug. 1815 Sarah b 1785 m James Webber Jan. 1800 William b 1794 m Julia Ann ? Lois b 1804 m Thomas Harper Richard b 1803 m Francais Kenney 1826 Elizabeth b 1804 m William C Brown 22 July 1822 Samuel m Isabella Crawford 21 Dec 1821 Rebecca m Collin Stephenson Resided in St. John, New Brunswick (Carroll Kimball's note indicates this Richard probably father of Asa of Woodstock (Brighton), & of William of Jacksontown, & of Richard of Bridgewater) CHAPTER IX - FAMILY OF RICHARD KIMBALL & SARAH KENNEY #4104 KIMBALL Richard, came from Essex County, Massachusetts. He was one of a party of New England colonists who settled in the Township of Maugerville, New Brunswick, in 1763, & for some years occupies Lot 5 of that township. Later, owing to frequent flooding of their farms by the Saint John River, Richard Kimball with several other settlers of Maugerville crossed the Saint John and made their homes on the higher lands of the right bank of the river at Oromocto, in the Parish of Burton, Sunbury County. Richard Kimball married Sarah, daughter of Israel & Susannah (Hood) Kenney. Sarah was one of the eldest of the seven daughters of Israel Kenney. Her sister Deborah, eldest of the family, was born in Massachusetts in 1764, and it is probable that Sarah was born in that State before her parents came to Maugerville. Very little is known of the married life of Richard and Sarah (Kenney) Kimball. Some of their descendants are living in Oromocto to this day. At least two of their sons located in Carleton County, New Brunswick The names of three of the sons of Richard and Sarah (Kenney) Kimball, and the names of some of their descendants are given below: 1991: see George Stockford Welding Shop re Kimball's Irma (Gladwyn) Young, Florenceville re Kimball/London PAGE 19: He married, first, Sarah KENNEY, daughter of Israel KENNEY Sr 1st &others and Susannah HOOD. Burial in Burton New Brunswick. #4205 Sarah Kenney Kimball: Sarah Kenney was the daughter of Israel & Susannah (Hood) Kenney & was born in either New Brunswick or Massachusetts as it is known some of their children were born in Topsfield, MA. She married Richard Kimball, s/o Asa & Hulda Kimball & her husband outlived her. She is buried in an unmarked grave in Burton, New Brunswick. Her sister, Eunice, married Nathaniel Churchill & another sister Susan married Elisha Shaw. (Ref. Carroll Kimball Page 2) It would appear that Richard Kimball #4104 s/o Asa Kimball & Hulda Tapleyis not wife of Sarah Kenney. As of May 1991 Etta believes she was. CHAPTER 10 of Family of Richard Kimball & Sarah Kenny: Richard Kimball, came from Essex County, Massachusetts. He was one of a party of New England colonists who settled in the Township of Maugerville, New Brunswick., in 1763, & for some years occupied Lot 5 of that township. Later, owing to frequent flooding of their farms by the Saint John River, Richard Kimball with several other settlers of Maugerville crossed the Saint John & made their homeson the higher lands of the right bank of the river at Oromocto, in the Parish of Burton, Sunbury County. Richard Kimball married Sarah, daughter of Israel & Susannah (Hood) Kenney). Sarah was one of the eldest of the seven daughters of Israel Kenney. Her sister Deborah, elders of the family, was born in Massachusetts in 1764. It is probable that Sarah was born in that State before her parents came to Maugerville. Very little is known of the married life of Richard & Sarah (Kenney) Kimball. Some of their descendants are living in Oromocto to this day. At least two of their sons located in Carleton County, New Brunswick. The names of three of the some of Richard & Sarah (Kenney) Kimball, & the names of some of their descendants are given below. Quote: " " to end of this file 1 4207 KIMBALL Richard s/o ? 1406 m 4205 KENNEY Sarah d/o Israel KENNY & Susannah HOOD; born after 1764 Children: 11+ KIMBALL Samuel b at Oromocto New Brunswick 12+ KIMBALL William b at Oromocto New Brunswick 13+ KIMBALL Richard b at Oromocto New Brunswick 11 KIMBALL Samuel b at Oromocto New Brunswick - raised their family at Oromocto, New Brunswick Later he moved to Saint John, New Brunswick & engagd in shipbuilding at that port in partnership with his son-in-law John Retallick. married CRAWFORD Children 111+ KIMBALL James Born at Oromocto New Brunswick 112 KIMBALL daughter Married LINCOLN, & lived in Aroostook County, Maine. 113 KIMBALL Sarah Married 13 Aug 1846 at Oromocto RETALLICK John; no record of children 114+ KIMBALL Samuel Born at Oromocto New Brunswick 115+ KIMBALL John Born at Oromocto New Brunswick 111 KIMBALL James Born Oromocto Married ? Children: 111.1 KIMBALL dau Married HATCH Ashley of Temple, New Brunswick 111.2 KIMBALL dau Married SMITH Wesley of Oromocto New Brunswick 111.3 KIMBALL dau Married CAMPBELL Colin, Boston, Massachusetts 111.4 KIMBALL Lester of Hoquaim, Wash. US 111.5 KIMBALL Eldridge of Hoquaim, Wash. US PAGE 20: 114. KIMBALL Samuel Married ? Child: 114.1 KIMBALL Harry Married ? Child: 114.11 KIMBALL Fred of Toronto Canada 115. KIMBALL John Married EMERSON Jane Children: 115.1 KIMBALL George .2+ KIMBALL Martin .3 KIMBALL Richard .4 KIMBALL Isobel .5 KIMBALL Annie .6 KIMBALL Nellie .7 KIMBALL Hattie 115.2 KIMBALL, Martin b 1864 at Oromocto New Brunswick Married McMINN, Mary Luella of Oromocto Children: 115.21 KIMBALL John Married & had 3 children 115.22 KIMBALL Clarence Married & had 1 child 115.23 KIMBALL dau Married CURRIER Waldo Children: had 4 115.24 dau Married BROWN Kenneth - no children 12 KIMBALL, William s/o Richard Kimball & Sarah Kenney b at Oromocto New Brunswick; William Kimball first located at Oromocto but later settled at Jacksonville, Carleton County, New Brunswick m ? Children: 121 KIMBALL Jedediah (often called Judson) Married MURPHY Eliza d/o Andrew Murphy & Phoebe Shaw Children: 121.1 KIMBALL Corrine m PLUMMER George Fred Children: 121.11 PLUMMER Harry Married GARDINER Idella 121.12 PLUMMER Belle Married FOSTER Fred 121.13 PLUMMER Jedediah Married PARKER Elizabeth 121.14 PLUMMER Robert Lee Married KENNEDY Ina 121.15 PLUMMER Aston Married ANDERSON Nellie 121.16 PLUMMER Athalinda Married PALMER Albert 121.2 KIMBALL Caroline Married ANDREWS William 121.3 KIMBALL Byron Married BANKS Sarah 121.4 KIMBALL Janis 121.5 KIMBALL Julia Married BIRMINGHAM Ransford Children: 121.51 BIRMINGHAM Holland - live at Hartland Married DICKINSON Ella 121.52 BIRMINGHAM Wallie Married PALMER May 121.6 KIMBALL Annie 121.7 KIMBALL Frank Married McGEE Blanche Children: 121.71 KIMBALL Lawrence Married McGUIRE Edith 121.72 KIMBALL Dora Married KENNEY Roy s/o Henry 121.73 KIMBALL Burrill Married ESTABROOKS Flossie 121.74 KIMBALL Hollis Married MULLIN, 121.75 KIMBALL, Beulah - died young 121.8 KIMBALL Elizabeth d/o Jedediah Kimball & Eliza Murphy 121.9 KIMBALL Bird Married SAVAGE Minnie 121.10. KIMBALL William Married SEELY Bertha Children: 121.10.1 KIMBALL Maud Married GARDINER Harry 121.10.2 KIMBALL Wendell Married CLARK Ethel 121.10.3 KIMBALL Bessie Married SEELY Hurd 121.11. KIMBALL EVERETT Married (1) GRAY, Beatrict Married (2) SAVAGE Edith; Married (3) SAVAGE, Elizabeth Children: 121.11.1 KIMBALL Eugene (Rev.) 121.11.2 KIMBALL Lee Married DAVIS Myra 121.11.3 KIMBALL Herrick (Dr.) Married TOWLE Mary 121.11.4 KIMBALL Maud 122 KIMBALL Henry s/o William & brother of Jedediah Kimball Married ? Child: 122.1 KIMBALL Homer PAGE 21: 13 KIMBALL Richard s/o Richard Kimball & Sarah Kenney Born Oromocto New Brunswick Died 1887 Bridgewater, ME Married in Oromocto KENNY Frances d/o Nathaniel Kenney & Betsy Mills Died 1887 Bridgewater, Maine In the first decade of 1800 RichardKimball lived at East Florenceville, New Brunswick, & the eldest of his children grew up & married in that community. Later with those of his children not married to removed to Bridgewater, Maine, where he lived for the remainder of his life & died there in 1887. His wife died at Bridgewater the same year Children: 13.1 KIMBALL Hiram - never married 13.2 KIMBALL Israel - married but had no children 13.3 KIMBALL Richard 1st Jr - died in infancy 13.4 KIMBALL Richard 2nd Jr - died in infancy 13.4 KIMBALL Absolom Married 1st - BOYER Ruth Married 2nd - RIDEOUT Hannah Married 3rd - McKEEN of Keswick New Brunswick; The last two wives had no children. Child of Absolom & Ruth (Boyer) KIMBALL: 134.1 KIMBALL Richard Married RIDEOUT Frances Children: 134.11 KIMBALL Earl - married - has three children 134.12 KIMBALL John Married LAWRENCE Elizabeth Children: 134.12.1 KIMBALL Absolom 134.2 KIMBALL Fred Married BOYER Sarah Children: KIMBALL John .2 KIMBALL Charles .3 KIMBALL Ruth .4 KIMBALL Marjorie .5 KIMBALL Albert PAGE 22: 134.3 KIMBALL Frank Died 1920 s/o Richard & Frances Married RIDEOUT Myrtle Child: 134.3.1 KIMBALL Verne 134.4 KIMBALL Ida Married McKEEN Lewis Children: McKEEN Charles .2 McKEEN William 1.3.6 #4113 KIMBALL George s/o Richard & Frances Married #4112 BOYER Frances (female) Children: KIMBALL Israel - never married KIMBALL Hiram Married 1st ORSER Millie Child: KIMBALL Frances Married 2nd KIMBALL Camilla Children: KIMBALL George .3 Mont .4 Beth KIMBALL Mary Married CAPEN George Children: CAPEN Vesta .2 CAPEN Verna .3 CAPEN Hazel .4 CAPEN Millie .5 CAPEN Agnes .6 CAPEN Belle KIMBALL Belle Married ALLEN Guy Children: ALLEN Helen .2 Erma .3 Gordon .4 Clair KIMBALL Edgar, died in childhood 1.3.7 KIMBALL Rachel Married RUSSELL Jason Children: RUSSELL Helen Married 1st NEVERS Pearl; Married 2nd LaLPOINT - no children RUSSELL Frank Married ROBINSON Carrie Child: RUSSELL Carrie 1.3.8 KIMBALL Betsy Married FARLEY Enoch Child: daughter Married ACKERSON Charles Child: ACKERSON Bert 1.3.9 KIMBALL Huldah Married SMITH Charles Children: SMITH Whitfield Married JOHNSON Lizzie Child: SMITH Ezalie dau 1.3.10. KIMBALL Harriet Married RIDEOUT Oliver Children: RIDEOUT Frances Married KIMBALL Richard - her cousin PAGE 23: Children: KIMBALL Richard KIMBALL Earl KIMBALL Helen RIDEOUT Clarence Married SARGENT May Child: one son, died young RIDEOUT Myrtle Married KIMBALL Frank - died 1920 - his widow & her son live at Houlton, Maine Children: KIMBALL Verne 1.3.11. KIMBALL Ann - youngest of the children of Richard & Frances (Kenney) Kimball Married KENNEY Gideon Children: KENNEY Edna .2 KENNEY Harriet .3 KENNEY Leona .4 KENNEY Frank .5 KENNEY Nettie" End of quote Children: 16 i. Asa #1[11] KIMBALL. ii. Sarah 5058 KIMBALL. Born, 1785. 17 iii. William #3 KIMBALL. iv. Lois KIMBALL. Born, 1802. She married Thomas Harper. v. Richard #5061 KIMBALL. Born, 1803. Died, 1887. He married Francais Kenney, 1826. vi. Elizabeth 5062 KIMBALL. Born, 1804. She married William C Brown, 22 Jul 1822. vii. Samuel #5063 KIMBALL. He married Isabella Crawford, 21 Dec 1821. viii. Rebecca KIMBALL. She married Collin Stephenson. He married, second, Frances Clayton. Died, 1854.
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Copyright Etta Faulkner   2003