11 12 Kimball 11 12 Etta Haywood Faulkner History Genealogy Woodstock Carleton County New Brunswick


Prepared by: Etta Haywood-Faulkner

May, 2003

Eleventh Generation


16.   Asa #1[11] KIMBALL (Richard #6, 15). Individual flags: *ANC.
Asa Kimball had land grant here c1815 - Lower Brighton 

      See map The Carleton County Grant Lots Nos. 32 & 33 - Carroll Kimball 
shows date July 21, 1809. Part of Shaw grant 
(Asa Kemble - in Lower Brighton); 
He bought lots 23 & 24 from Lemuel C. Churchill in 1815 when Kimball was 30 
years of age. Asa #1 was alive in 1838 but is not in the 1851 Carleton 
County census. 

      A Asa "KEMBLE": in "Grant to William Turner, Esq. & 87 others, Psh 
Wakefield, Carleton County New Brunswick 1809": Asa KEMBLE was one. 
      KIMBALL is also a pre-loyalist name in New Brunswick. 
      1916 Dec 8 Earl Kimball drowned at Carlisle 

      He married, first, Susan #5 COGSWELL, daughter of Elihu #1 COGSWELL 
and Rebecca Howland. 
      Born, 3 Aug 1778. Died, 1814. 
      He married, second, Ann PARLEE. 
      Born, before 1800. 


   18       i.  David 1601[12] KIMBALL.
   19      ii.  George 1516 KIMBALL.
   20     iii.  Rhoda KIMBALL.
   21      iv.  John #1 KIMBALL.
   22       v.  Mary KIMBALL.
           vi.  William 4106 KIMBALL. 
                Born, 1835. 
                Died, before 1898. 
                He married Elizabeth Seeley.

PAGE 25:
17.   William #3[11] KIMBALL (Richard #6, 15). 
      Born, 1794, in Burton New Brunswick[11]. 
      Died, 12 Sep 1856, in Waterville New Brunswick. 
      Burial in Waterville New Brunswick. 

      Ref: Carroll Kimball: "He petitioned for land in Sunbury County in 
1817 & 1820. He married between 1817 & 1820 but no record of his marriage 
or his wife's maiden name can as yet be found. (This conflicts with 
statement on same page 3 that he married Julia Ann (1800-1885) 

      William Kimball bought land consisting of about 700 acres from his 
brother Asa in 1832 in Brighton, Carleton County & also owned some land in 
Wakefield. He did not move to Wakefield until about 1840, possibly about 
the same time as his mother's death. 

      After moving to Wakefield to what is known as the third tier 
(now Trans Canada Highway between Hartland & Woodstock) he attended the 
Waterville Free Baptist Church." 

      He married Julia Ann. Children:
   23       i.  Francais[12] KIMBALL.
   24      ii.  Jedediah 5072 KIMBALL.
          iii.  Henry KIMBALL. 
                Born, 1826. 
                Died, 24 Feb 1879. 
                He married Hannah Pennington, 6 Mar 1857. 
           iv.  Mary Serene KIMBALL. 
                Born, 1829. 
                She married Robert Harper, 18 Jul 1850.
            v.  Elizabeth 5075 KIMBALL. 
                Born, 1831. 
                She married George T Heartly, 7 Aug 1855. 
           vi.  Ann 5076 KIMBALL. Born, 1837. 
                She married George W Boyer, 2 Sep 1856.
          vii.  Israell KIMBALL. 
                Born, 1838. 

PAGE 26:

12TH GENERATION INDEX: 18. DAVID 1601 KIMBALL 19. GEORGE 1516 KIMBALL 20. RHODA KIMBALL 21. JOHN #1 KIMBALL 22. MARY KIMBALL 23. FRANCAIS KIMBALL 24. JEDEDIAH 5072 KIMBALL 18. David 1601[12] KIMBALL (Asa #1, 16). Born, 28 Dec 1821, in New Brunswick. Died, 20 Sep 1896. Also in same household in 1861 in Psh. Brighton, Carleton County, New Brunswick KIMBALL John, brother of David #1 KIMBALL, born 1831 or 1832 (microfilm #M-808 1861 census) Note: Clarence Faulkner told Etta Faulkner on 9 Feb 1980 that he was told that David KIMBALL was one of the earlier settlers & was noted as being the strongest man on the Saint John River. Mr. Faulkner said he thought this David KIMBALL lived in Lower Brighton, Carleton County, New Brunswick. Florence KIMBALL-Simms also told Etta on 2 March 1980 that she had heard that David KIMBALL was very strong. Believed to be son of Asa KIMBALL. He lived on same piece of land that Asa KIMBALL received land grant Lot 23 & 24. Asa bought this land from Lemuel Churchill so originally land grant in name Churchill. Believe this David #1 hadbrother, John. 1851 Census, page 28, shows these as p7: KIMBALL David . . . . . . . . . . b 1824 farmer - B ? KIMBALL Rachel . . . . . . . .. . b 1823 . . . in New Brunswick KIMBALL John (brother) . . . . .. b 1835 . . . in New Brunswick KIMBALL Elizabeth . . . . . . . . b 1849 . . . in New Brunswick 1861 Census: KIMBALL David . . . . . . . . . . b 1821 . . . in New Brunswick KIMBALL Rachel . . . . . . . . .. b 1821 wife KIMBALL John . . . . . . . . . .. b 1832 brother Individual #1602 KIMBALL Elizabeth . . . . . . . . b 1849 dau KIMBALL Cyreene . . . . . . . . . b 1851 dau KIMBALL Clarisa "Clara" . . . . . b 1854 Aug 15 dau d 29 Oct 1924 KIMBALL Rebecca . . . . . . . . . b 1855 dau KIMBALL James H . . . . . . . . . b 1857 KIMBALL Amelia L . . . . . . . .. b 1861 dau 2 mo old 1861 census Psh Brighton, Carleton County New Brunswick: KIMBALL William . . . father . 26 b 1835 KIMBALL Elizabeth . . wife . . 32 b 1829 KIMBALL Rachel Ann .. dau .. . 06 b 1855 KIMBALL Henry C. . .. son .. . 03 b 1858 SEELEY Sarah . wife's sister . 42 b 1819 PAGE 27: From Bugle, 28 Mar. 1990: "136 years ago, Carleton Sentinel 15 July 1854: ALMOST A BURGULARY On Friday last Mr. David KIMBALL of Lower Brighton was called from home on business & left his wife & 2 small children alone in the house. Mrs. KIMBALL, not liking the idea of being left alone with the children, sent for a neighbor's daughter to remain with her during the absence of her husband. Shortly after the two had retired for the night, they were alarmed by a noise about the house, as if someone was endeavouring to get in at one of the windows. Soon after an enormous bear made his appearance at the bedroom window. He raised himself on his hind legs, & deliberately smashed the lower sash of the window. The women screamed & one of them dashed a basin of water in the face of the intruder. At this he very cooly walked off into the woods. Our Jim says if the two women had set to & scolded the beast the best way they knew how, they would doubtless have killed him on the spot. Per George Gray's diary: 1896 Sept 20 David Kimball died (is it this one?) He married Susan "Rachael" Dickinson[12], daughter of Darius Dickinson and Elizabeth Thomas. Born, 16 Aug 1821. Died, 20 Aug 1902. Children: i. Elizabeth 1607[13] KIMBALL. Born, 1849. ii. Cyreene Kimball. Born, 1851. 25 iii. Clarisa "Clara" #2 Kimball. iv. Rebecca #1 Kimball. Born, 1857. v. James Hubut "Hugh" Kimball. Born, 1858. vi. Amelia L Kimball. Born, 1861. vii. Rainsford Kimball. Born, 1863. 19. George Sr 1516[12] KIMBALL (Asa #1, 16). Born, circa 1829, in New Brunswick. Died, 22 Mar 1888. Individual flags: *ANC, lungs. George#1 KIMBALL was born 1829 per 1861 census in New Brunswick, Free Baptist of English descent - farmer; born 1825 per 1871 census Elizabeth "Eliza" NIXON-KIMBALL was born c1826 per 1871 census or b 1827 per 1861 census - of Irish descent 1861 Census Carleton County Psh Brighton: KIMBALL George#1 . . . . . . . .age 32 native b 1829 . . . . Elizabeth .. . . . . . .age 34 native b 1827 **** . . . . Susannah . . . . . . . .age 11 native b 1850 . . . . Adaline .. . . . . . . .age 09 native b 1852 . . . . George#2 A . . . . . . .age 08 native b 1853 . . . . Anna J (or Anna L) . . .age 05 native b 1856 ** . . . . Ezra W. . .. . . . . . .age 03 native b 1858 *** . . . . Charles A .. . . . . . .age 03 months b 1861 *** WOODWARD Walter father-in-law ..age 76 . . .. b 1785 * WOODWARD Catherine mother-in-law . .67 . . .. b 1794 * *so perhaps Elizabeth's maiden name was WOODWARD & not "NIXON" ** or b 1857 per 1871 census *** Died of tuberculosis not married **** Eliza later married ? MARSH Census 1871, Psh Brighton #104; #111 KIMBALL George . . b 1825 in New Brunswick English des . . . . Eliza .. . b 1826 . . . Irish des . . . . George A . b 1854 . . . . Annie .. . b 1857 . . . . Ezra . . . b 1859 . . . . Charles A. b 1861 . . . . Lois M. .. b 1864 . . . . Wilmot . . b 1866 PAGE 28: The following is letter sent by G. Wayne Dow, written 27 April 1988: "Lower Brighton, Carleton County,New Brunswick, Canada June 15, 1898 Dear Friend Wentworth Dow. I was 80 years old the 4 of last September. My wife was 69 the 2nd of last May, a few months older than you. We both have been living with our daughter, Annie Earlin who is married to George E. Tedlie, son of William Tedlie who married Adeline, one of George Robinson's daughter. George Tedlie owns the old Deacon or Esq. Noble place with the one owned once by Elder Joseph Noble. He built a new large house standing on the same ground old "Foster Noble" house stood when you first came to Brighton. George & Annie have three children, the eldest a girl, Jessie, 13 years old tomorrow; next a boy Donald F. 8 the 6th of last January; the youngest Raymond 6 the 29th of this month. They are all smart nice children. I have two sons, the elder Wilmot 34 the 21 of July next who is a shipper of goods in Lowell, Mass., married first George Gray's daughter, grand daughter of Mr. Nat & Ruth Gray. She died in Lowell 8 years ago, leaving a daughter only a few days old, who has lived with George Gray her grandfather ever since. Her name is Eugene the name of her mother, who is much loved by her grandparents. Wilmot married the second time Mabel Hamilton, granddaughter of John & Ruth Keys. He has two children by her, a boy 6 years old & a very young daughter. My second son, Charlie S. Taylor age 32 the 20th of last April is not married. He is at present, and has been for 8 years brakesman & sometimes in the baggage car on the Express train running from St. Stephen to Presque Isle, passing here every day. He gives me daily papers every time he passed. He has been running on different trains 12 years the 22nd of last April. Sometimes as conductor. The railroad from Woodstock crosses the river at Upper Woodstock or Hardscrabble runs to Newburgh road where there is a station called The Newburgh Junction because one branch goes up the Acker Creek & continues several miles from the River St. John till it reaches Gibson opposite Fredericton. When a train called the Gibson train runs to Woodstock & back to Gibson & Fredericton every day. The other branch continues up the River St. John close to it to Grand Falls, Edmundston & on to Quebec at the mouth of Aroostook river. Branch runs up the Aroostook river to Presque Isle and trains run from there through Maine to Bangor, Boston, as well as from Woodstock to St. Stephen & Boston. The rail road crosses the mouth of Acker Creek over a bridge 160 feet high, passes (near the old house where I taught school 55 years ago this summer.) It continues on the bank of the river on the west of the house where we lived when you was home last runs on the bank of the river over McGee's front crosses DeepCreek close to the river following the shore till it strikes the flat in front of Bradleys, Grays & Never. My step-son, Fraser Richardson, built a large house on the DAVID KIMBALL place which he bought & is still living there. He has four daughters, all single, no sons. He has for 20 years been largely engaged in lumbering. He was 50 years old last March 11th. His wife was Melissa Birmingham. ...children three young men who live & own the place...Daniel Brown on the south. Old Mr. Thomas Ackerson & wife have been dead some years, his ...sons.Vehemi a.. who married Amelia, sister of my wife live on the old homestead. PAGE 29: My wife's father, Darius Dickinson, has been dead 30 years last Sept. His widow died 20 years ago, leaving five sons & six daughters, all living but two sons John & Richard. James lives in Carlisle, ten miles back of Hartland. Samuel (or Lemuel) who married my wife's oldest sister now 77, died a year ago last September. She is in Lowell, Mass., with her two sons & daughter. All the old James Dickinson family who lived in Newburgh, children I mean, are living except two, Harvey & Mary. Joseph Robinson wife who died a year ago last January. Asa Robinson has been dead 23 years. He left 4 sons, 2 became preachers in a distant land. Joseph a widower on the homestead. Your mother will be dead 6 years the 31st of August next, aged 84. She died a Christian as others I have mentioned. George Robinson (brother of Asa and Reuben) has been dead over 30 years. His widow, Esther William Tedlie's wife's mother 5 years ago last April. None of their family are living on the old homestead. Downey sons live on the old place. No one is living on your father's old place out Havelock. "Dear friend, I have been very particular, as you see, in endeavouring to give you all the information I can respecting the changes which in many cases have taken place since you left. This may appear very or not interesting to your children to read, but judging you by myself I know how interested I am to hear particulars of the places & persons I was familiar with in my youthful days. I cannot hear much from our old friends in York County. I heard last summer that your uncle, William McKeen, was still living. It seems but a short time when you first went to school to me in the old log schoolhouse between GARRET CURRIE'S & Solomon Good. Though it will be 62 years the 1st day of August next I little thought then that one of my scholars, ZEBULON CURRIE, would build several bridges across St. John River which he did before he died. He has one son who takes his father's place in that occupation. Another scholar who learned his letters with me 4 (?) years old NEHEMIAH ESTY (ESTEY) has a son located just above at Hartland as medical doctor. You remember when you, William & John L., tried to play truant one day in Kingsclear. My old uncle Enoch & Aunt Hannah & William Henry, Phelon ? & his wife have been dead many years. Francis, Mary Ann & Maria are still living not far from Houlton. I have not seen them for over 20 years. We are having a fine spring & summer so far with every appearance of fine crops of hay, grain & fruit. I would dearly like to see you & talk of old times. William Richardson has been dead 22 years; his widow, Sarah, is living with her daughter, Melissa, who married Sam Haden for her first husband, & Mr. Boo...(Boone/Brown?) for her 2nd. She & her mother are both widows now. (You see I omitted this where I ought to have mentioned it.) Where is Sylvester Dow, & his brother William? I remain your old true friend, William Taylor" 18 Oct. 1887 Lower Brighton, Carleton County, New Brunswick Canada Mr. Wentworth Dow, Snow, Clark Co., Wis. Dear Friend, After having the satisfaction of reading the last letter I think, you sent to your mother I concluded to write a few thoughts to you, hoping they will find you & all your family well, as I & family are at present. Your reference to the first school you attended (which was taught by me on the line between Douglas & Queensbury, County of York in the summer of 1836) brought scenes of that time fresh to my mind. It was the first of my teaching, yours & all the rest of the scholars who attended my school, besides all others with whom I was familiar are to favourably and accurately impressed on my memory that I can see exactly how you all looked then, so vividly & true do all your features present themselves to my mind, that had all their likenesses been taken then, & I not have seen them since till now. I could name each as I saw them. Proving this one fact that MIND never grows old in their life because I believe that it continues for ever either in happiness or misery. I can say with you (though I have not passed through one hundredth of the perils to which your life has been subject) that the Lord has wonderfully preserved me, I wish now, but in vain, for the privilege of living my past time over how different would I do. But while I cannot recall the past I am promised if I make proper use of what few days I may still remain on earth, a happy existence in heaven with Jesus who has redeemed me. I can remember your father & mother when they were married Feb. 5, 1829 & when you was born Nov. 20, 1829. I was born 4 Sept. 1817, which makes me 70 last Sept. I lived with your father & mother in the winter of 1834 & took care of barn, etc. I boarded with your father & mother in 1837 when they lived on the place which your late uncle, William McKeen, occupied where he died. You & William were all the children your mother had. ZEBULON CURRIE who went to school at that time, has been for 15 years a bridge builder for the New Brunswick Rail Road County. He has bridged the River St. John several times. Your mother spent last Friday at our house. She is smart for her age though now suffering from a troublesome cough. She will be 79 4th of Nov. She sheds tears while talking about you. She would give worlds if she had...to see you. You have become a parent of a family & of course know what love & care it involves. I have 2 boys & 2 girl all from home. My eldest girl now most 25 is married to George Tedlie (William Tedlie's oldest son) & live on old Deacon or Esquire Noble farm. He has built a new house the past summer on the very spot the old one stood. They were married 3(?) years the first of last July, have one child, a girl 2 1/3 years old, named Jessie. My oldest son, Lemuel Allen Wilmot, has been to Lowell, Mass., 5 years last Aug. He has been home twice in that time. His main business is writing & overseeing goods sent where ordered. He was 23 the 21st of July. My youngest boy, Charlie, is brakeman on a mixed train running from Woodstock to Grand Falls. He passes our door every day & is mostly home with us Saturday nights & Sunday. Henry Birmingham married one of Harden Noble's daugters lives on the old John Dow & farms & quite a rich farmer. He raised 400 bushels of potatoes this year which is a ..stat.es. generally here. Nat Gray has been dead 15 years. His widow lives with her daughter to Hartland. The old place not occupied. He built a new house a year ago on the old stand. William McGee married Reuben Robinson's oldest daughter, Susan; lives on the old homestead. His father & mother, George & Rhoda, have been dead several years, he 21 years. Robert NIXON'S son, ADOLPHUS married Elisha McGee widow live on a part of the old farm. Darus NIXON, oldest son of Robert NIXON, married George Stickney's daughter & lives farming his brother on the lower part of said George McGee's old farm. He likewise owns the old Vardis SHAW's place. The old Jim McGee farm falls into William McGee possession. Jim McGee's widow Aunt Sarah is still living among her nephews & nieces, 88 years old. PAGE 30/31: Reuben Robinson your brother William Charles Robinson & his brother bought the same? old places William Tedlie's on his old homestead. J. F. Richardson, my wife's oldest son, ownes the old DAVID KIMBALL farm & has become quite wealthy from his luck in lumbering up Aroostook. He built a new house last year not excelled in the County, cost 8 or 10 thousand dollars. All the rest of the people below are about the same as when you left only... many have died. Aunt Nancy Noble died a year ago last April. Her husband, George still lives home with his son David who married Gilbert Brown's daughter. Robert Dickinson, my wife's brother, lives on the old David Noble farm. George Tedlie owns the old Elder Noble farm. Uncle Tommy Ackerson has been dead 4 years; his widow lives with her son, Nehemiah who married my wife's sister in the old homestead. I have endeavoured to give you the particulars of Lower Brighton thinking you would like as I would to know. John Tedlie's wife, who was Martha Hale: daughter was buried 10 days ago. David Robinson, the late George Robinson's son, was struck accidentally with an axe by his father-in-law, DAVID KIMBALL, last May & died. Richard McKenny died last winter. William Taylor" John was born the April following 29th. He married Ann Elizabeth "Eliza" NIXON, daughter of Hamilton NIXON and Agnes ROBINSON. Born, circa 1826. Individual flags: *ANC. Notes from Hubert Bryant Apr/92 "If Elizabeth (NIXON) KIMBALL was a sister to Robert, John, Esther & Margaret Jane Nixon, she would only be 4 or 5 years old when the father died. Their father was Hamilton NIXON, a blacksmith, at Kelly Creek, York County, New Brunswick, who died in 1830 from the kick of a horse he was shoeing. In Hamilton NIXON's will dated 3 Nov. 1830, proved 22 Dec. 1830, states:- "Sons Robert Nixon & John Nixon entire estate when they come of age. Daughters: Margaret Jane Nixon, Esther Nixon & Ann Eliza (Beth) Nixon each a good cow when they come of age." (no mention of a wife & mother in the wills) Therefore, Robert Nixon Sr. & John Nixon Sr. married sisters. Their wives were sisters to Susan Rachel Dickinson who married David Kimball. Mary Elizabeth (Dickinson) Richardson who married William Taylor was also a sister. So if this is Elizabeth Nixon who married George Kimball she was therefore only 4 or 5 years old when her father died, there was no mention of the children's mother in the father's wills, so perhaps the wife of Hamilton Nixon & mother of the children died when John Nixon was born or in that time era. So perhaps Walter & Cathrine (?) WOODWARD listed as father-in-law & mother-in-law in 1861 census in household of George & Elizabeth (Nixon) Kimball are the ones who adopted her & raised her, therefore "in-law"" Children: i. Susanna #2 A[13] Kimball. Born, 1850. She married Charles Stockford. Individual flags: lungs. Susanna resided in Lower Windsor, Carleton County, New Brunswick; Died of tuberculosis. ii. Adaline A Kimball. Born, 1852. She married John Stockford. Individual flags: lungs. Adaline died of tuberculosis. She & John lived opposite the Windsor School near Roy Colwell, Lower Windsor, N. B. 26 iii. George 1520 A KIMBALL. 27 iv. Anna J KIMBALL. v. Ezra W Kimball. Born, 1858. Individual flags: lungs. Died of tuberculosis - not married vi. Charles A Kimball. Born, 1861. Individual flags: lungs. Charles died of tuberculosis - not married vii. Lois #1 M Kimball. Born, circa 1864. Died, circa 1884. Individual flags: lungs. Lois M. KIMBALL (there is another Lois) Died age 20 of tuberculosis - not married 28 viii. Wilmot Kimball. PAGE 32: 20. Rhoda[12] KIMBALL (Asa #1, 16). Born, 1831, in New Brunswick. She married John Dickinson, son of Darius Dickinson and Elizabeth Thomas.Born, 1831 (?). Child: i. Annie[13] Dickinson[13]. Born, 1859. Died, 8 Jul 1931. She married[13], first, 5356 McIntosh[13]. She married[13], second, Stephen John/John Stephen Sharp(e)[13], son of Stephen Francis Sharp(e) and Pheobe Jones. 21. John #1[12] KIMBALL (Asa #1, 16). Born, 1833, in New Brunswick. Died, after 1898. 20 July 1903 a John KIMBALL died (Windsor); this one? Susan STOCKFORD was of Dutch descent - Free Baptist Church Lot "60" Armond - original grant was to George Connell. John Kimball sold this property to Walter Donsat in 1899(?). Bob Brewster 1901 from Mrs. Donsat. Clarence & Gordon Brewster from father, Bob. Census 1851 KIMBALL John Born 1835 in household of brother, KIMBALL David Census 1861 KIMBALL John Born 1832 in household of brother, KIMBALL David Census 1871 KIMBALL John Born 1831 in New Brunswick F.C.Baptist;English;farmer; married Susan 1842 in New Brunswick F.C.Baptist;Dutch;married Maretta 1866 New Brunswick Minerva 1868 Hannah 1870 He married Susan Stockford. Born, 1842. Children: 29 i. Maretta[13] Kimball. 30 ii. Minerva Kimball. 31 iii. Hannah 1616 KIMBALL. 32 iv. Camilla KIMBALL. 33 v. Oren Kimball. PAGE 33: 22. Mary[12] KIMBALL (Asa #1, 16). Born in New Brunswick. Ref: Hubert Bryant - she is d/o Asa KIMBALL 2832 but not sure if her mother was Ann Parlee, born between David & George, or d/o Asa's 1st wife, Susan. She married McKinney 1620. Child: 34 i. Carrie Oscar[13] McKinney. 23. Francais[12] KIMBALL (William #3, 17). Born, 1822. She married James Mitchell, 26 Apr 1839, in Lincoln New Brunswick. Children: i. Henry[13] Mitchell. Born, 1841. ii. John Mitchell. Born, 1843. iii. William R Mitchell. Born, 1846. 24. Jedediah 5072[12] KIMBALL (William #3, 17). Born, 1823. Died, 3 Jun 1892. Burial in Waterville New Brunswick. Individual flags: heart. Ref: Carroll Kimball: "Jedediah Kimball was born in Lincoln, Sunburyu County, New Brunswick, the son of William & Julia Ann Kimball. He moved with his father to Jacksonville, Carleton County, New Brunswick, in the early 1840's & farmed with his father & then on his own farm. He specialized in cattle growing. He was a member of the Waterville Free Baptist Church. He died of a heart attack." CAUTION: 14 Jan. 1995 Etta has 2 Jedediah Kimball's who married Eliza Ann Murphy. Common ancestor Sarah Kenney. There is a duplication. He married Eliza Ann Murphy, daughter of Andrew Murphy and Phoebe Shaw, 4 Jan 1849. Born, 9 Sep 1827. Died, 14 Aug 1893. Burial in Waterville New Brunswick[14]. Ref: Carroll Kimball: "Lived in Parish of Kent in Carleton County before her marriage; member of Waterville Free Baptist Church during her married years; buried beside husband in Waterville Cemetery." CAUTION: ETTA HAS HER MARRIED TWICE, TO THE SAME PERSON, JEDEDIAH 4251 "JUDSON" KIMBALL & JEDEDIAH 5072 KIMBALL WITH VIRTUALLY THE SAME CHILDREN. NOT AMENDED AS OF 14 Jan. 1995 So most of their descendants will be duplicated. Children: i. Julia Ann[13] KIMBALL. Born, 1851. She married Rainsford Birmingham. ii. William 5088 KIMBALL. Born, 1853. Died, 13 Jan 1890[15]. iii. Byron KIMBALL. Born, 1855. iv. Chorenia Ann KIMBALL. Born, 1856. v. Frank Tyler KIMBALL. Born, 9 Feb 1859. vi. Burdan Hannibal KIMBALL. Born, 5 Jul 1863. vii. Elizabeth (Lizzie) H KIMBALL. Born, 1865. Died, 5 May 1891. viii. Leverett Gaylon KIMBALL. Born, 10 Jun 1867. Died, 23 Feb 1891. died infant ix. Jarvis KIMBALL. PAGE 34:

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Copyright Etta Faulkner   2003