1 Kimball 1 Etta Haywood Faulkner History Genealogy Woodstock Carleton County New Brunswick


Prepared by: Etta Haywood-Faulkner

May, 2003




1.    Henry[1] KYMBOLDE/KIMBALL 1st. Died, 1526.
      Individual flags: *ANC. died young 

      This author realizes that she has entered some persons twice, 
      coming down from Richard Kimball. Perhaps Etta or someone else 
      will be able to sort this out!! 

      He married, first, Agnes. 
      Individual flags: *ANC. 

    2       i.  Henry[2] KEMBOLD(KIMBALL).

      He married, second, an unknown woman. Children:

             ii.  KIMBALL others.

	October, 1994 Etta received a phone call from: 
                           Morley MELLEN    
                           who is doing Kimball Family. 
                           In future, Etta to contact him. 

                Ref: Vital Stats #51 D.F.Johnson: #1460 KIMBALL, George 
                W., Oromocto (Sunbury County) 
                married 12 Dec. 1880 at residence of
                bride's father by W. Harrison - LINDSAY, Miss Annie J. of 

2ND GENERATION: 2. Henry KEMBOLD/KIMBALL 2. Henry[2] KEMBOLD(KIMBALL) (Henry 1st, 1). Died, 1558. Individual flags: *ANC. He married Cecelia. Individual flags: *ANC. Child: 3 i. Richard 5056[3] KIMBALL.
3RD GENERATION INDEX: 3. RICHARD KIMBALL 3. Richard 5056[3] KIMBALL (Henry, 2). Individual flags: *ANC. He married an unknown woman. Child: 4 i. Richard #1 4124[4] KIMBALL. PAGE 3
4TH GENERATION INDEX: 4. RICHARD #1 KIMBALL 4. Richard #1 4124[4] KIMBALL (Richard 5056, 3). Died, 1675. Individual flags: *ANC. Ref Hist. Kimball Family in America from 1634 to 1897 KIMBALLS OF AMERICA; "Richard Kimball (Etta's record # 4124) of Ipswich, Massachusetts. Page 27: ...wrongs heaped upon the Puritans in 1634, which the proud spirits of many could not brook, but in the wilds of New England they sought out a home in which they might be free. The leaders in the exodus were many of them men of influence in England, & they brought with them many men of the middle classes, who were also tired of the tyranny & exactions to which they were subjected. To this class belonged the sturdy wheelwright, Richard Kimball 1. He had a trade which would be eminently useful in the new colony. His services were in such request that he was soon called to leave his first settlement in Watertown & go to Ipswich, where he was given a house lot, & other privileges, on condition that he should be the town wheelwright. 1. 4124 Richard Kimball. 1 born c1595 1383 married (1) 4152 SCOTT, Ursula d/o Henry SCOTT of Rattlesden Children: 1.1 4126 KIMBALL Henry (spelled=KEmball) eldest; baptized 12 Aug 1615 1.2+ 4127 KIMBALL Richard 2 * b c1623 Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England see (3) 1.3+ 4128 KIMBALL John born c1650 died c1721 1384 married (1) 4133 Sarah born died 27 July 1706 1.4 4129 KIMBALL Thomas 1.5 4130 KIMBALL Benjamin 1.6 4131 KIMBALL Caleb 1.7 4132 KIMBALL Elizabeth 1392 married (2) 4153 GOTT, Mary GRANTEDRichard Kemball 1 came to this country in the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone soon after landing, to Watertown, Massachusetts. He settled in different part of the town from that occupied by Henry Kemball 1. Acording to Bond & other writers Richard & Henry were brothers. There is but little evidence to support this supposition, & it seems to be mainly founded on the fact they they both came over on the same vessel. Richard is said on the shipping list to be thirty-nine years old, but he was probably somewhat older. He was, however, in the prime of life, & soon became a prominent & active man in the new settlement. He first settled in Watertown, & his home lot is thus given by Dr. Henry Bond: Richard Kimball, six acres, bounded on the north by Cambridge, east by land of W. Hamlet, south by the highway, & west by land of Edward White. This lot was situated a long way from the centre of the town. It is now in Cambridge, which many years ago annexed the eastern part of Watertown. The lot was situated near what is now the corner of Huron avenue & Appleton street, & near springs of water. PAGE 4: He was proclaimed freeman in 1635, May 6. Was a proprietor in 1636-7 Soon aftaer this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. The town granted him a house lot, Feb. 23, 1637, next adjoining Goodwin Simons at the west end of the town. He was also granted at the same time "40 acres Beyond the North Riuer, near the land of Robert Scott." In 1639 he had liberty to pasture "two cows free". On "the last day of the last month 1641" he is mentioned as "Among the Commoners of Ipswich." He was appointed one of the seven men March 1, 1645. On the 22d day of the tenth mo. 1647 he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes. His services as wheelwright were appreciated by his townspeople, for he was permitted in January, 1649, "to fell such white Oaks as he hath occasion touse about his trade for the town use." December 19, 1648, he contributed with others three shillings as his annual proportion towards the sum of 27 pounds, 7 s, as a rate for the services of the military forces of Essex & Norfolk counties. In September, 1652, he was one of the appraisers of the estate of John Cross, one of the earliest settlers of Ipswich. On the 25, day 11 mo 1652, he & his son Richard, Wheelwrights, "for 14 pounds sell 30 acraes upland bounding on land of Mr. John Winthrop," also another lot of land of ten acraes of "medow". In 1653 he was one of a committee of three to survey fences in the common fields north of the river. His brother-in-law Thomas Scott died Feb. 1653-4 & he was joint executor with Edmund Bridges of hiswill. On May 25, 1654, their official position was recognized by Thomas Scott, Jr., then a resident of Stamford, Conn. In 1660 he was granted right "to fell 20 white oak trees to make weels for the townsmen their use." In 1664 he owned 43 shares in Plumb Island. Richard Kimball was of the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register: Henry Kemball ye sonne of Richard & Vrsula his wife baptized 1615 12 of August. Ursula was the d/o Henry Scott of Rattlesden, as appears from the following extract from Henry Scott's will: "To Abigale Kemball my grandchild twentie shillings to be paid at 21 to Henrie Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Elizabeth Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Richard Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21." He also mentions his wife Martha, & sons Roger & Thomas Scott. Thomas Scott came with his wife & children to this country in the same vessel as Richard & his family, & they brought Martha Scott with them. This will was made 24 Sept. 1625 In the 21st year of James of England by Henry Scott of Rattlesden in the County of Suffolk & diocese of Norwich. It was proved in the court of the Arch deacon of Sudbury 10 January 1624-5. As Thomas Scott settled in Ipswich this may have had some influence in causing Richard's removal from Watertown. Henry Scott was buried at Rattlesden, Dec. 24, 1624. (Parish Register.) PAGE 5: Richard Kimball married second, Oct. 23, 1661, Margaret Dow, widow of Henry Dow of Hampton, New YOrk. Will of Richard Kimball 1. {Ipswich Deeds, Vol. iV, p.12} The last will & Testament of Richard Kimball senior of Ipswich in Essex in New England who although weake in body yet of prefect memory doe dispose of my lands & estate in the maner & form as followeth. To my Loveinge [sic] wife my will is that she shall dwell in my house & have the Improvement of my ground & meadow belonging thereto with the use & increase of my whole stock of cattle, one whole [sic]yeare after my decease, & then at the years end, the forty pound due to her according to contract at marriage to be payd her & that hous-hold stuff she brought with her. And to have liberty to live in the parlor end of the house, the roome we now lodge in: & liberty for her nesessary vse of some part of sellar: also the liberty of one cow in the pasture, the executors to provide winter meate for the same, & to have a quarter part of the fruit of the orchard, & firewood as long as she lives there, And if she desire to remove to her owne house, then to be alowed forty shillings yearly as long as shee lives. And to my Eldest son Henry, my will is to give him three score & ten pounds to bee payd Twenty pounds, a year & half after my decease, & the remaining part in the two years following after that. To my son Richard I give forty pounds; To my son John I give 20 pounds To my son Thomas I give 25 pounds to bee payd two years & a half after my decease, & to his children I give seaven pounds to be devided equally among them & paid as they come of age or at day of marriage. provided if any dye before then their share to be distributed equally amongst the rest. And to my son Benjamin, besides the two oxen, allready received I give the sum of 25 pounds, 10 pounds to be payd a yeare & halfe after my decease. The rest the two years following, also to his children I give 5 pounds, equally to be devyded, & payd, as they come of age, or at day of marriage, in case any dye before, that part to be equally divided to the rest. And to my son Caleb I give that peace of land knowne by the name of Tings lott, & all my land att Wattells neck with my marsh at the hundreds knowne by the name of Waitts marsh, & all my working tools exsept two axes, all to be delivered present after my decease also I give 14 pounds to his seaven children equally to be devided, to be payd as they come of age or at Day of marriage, & if any dye before, that part to be equally divided amongst the rest. To my son-in-law John Severns, I give ten pounds to be pay'd two yeares & a halfe after my decease. And to my Daughter Elizabeth, I give 30 pounds, 10 pound to be payd, a year & halfe after my decease, & the other two parts, the following years after that. (3*) KIMBALL Richard 2 (Richard 1) was born at Rattlesden, in the county of Suffolk, England, about 1623, & came to America in the ship Elizabeth with his father. He married twice, both his wives having Mary for a given name. It is probable that his second wife was named Mary Gott. His first wife died Sept. 2, 1672. He had eight children that were alive at the time of his death, as is shown by an agreement made between them & his widow. Their names are not given in the agreement. Several depositions of his are on file in the court records at Salem. In September, 1658, he says: "That his Uncle Thomas Scott of Ipswich challenged the upland down to the Marsh & his son after him while I lived on Goodman Shatswell's farm for seven years." PAGE 6: Richard Kimball of Wenham was grand juror in 1661. Richard was of Topsfield in 1664. He was called a wheelwright & yeoman. He removed to Wenham between the years 1652 & 1656. He was the first settler of the name in Wenham. He settled in the western part of the town, near Ladd's hill. He appears to have been the largest taxpayer among the early settlers, & his descendants have generally been in comfortable circumstances. He was a large land holdler, as is shown by numerous transactions recorded in Salem, Massachusetts. On July 6, 1665, he sold to his brother Caleb, for 30 pounds, his house with one acre of land about it & six acres in the common field, all included in the bounds of Ipswich. November 8, 1657, he subscribed 3 pounds as minister's rate, to be paid one half in wheat and one half in Indian corn. The next year he was chosen selectman, in which office he continued, with the exception of three years, till 1674. Dec. 4, 1660, he was on the committee to see about building the new meeting house. The matter was deferred until Aug. 21, 1663, when the committee having at last agreed to build, he was one of the committee to join with the selectmen to put out the contract. 28, 12 mo (Feb.) 1663, "tis agreed yt there then shall be 200 Akers of land of ye best of our comon Leased to foure men for 1000 years: viz. to Abner Ordway, Thomas Searles, John Edwards & Richard Kemball Jr. They yielding & paying to the town severally for every fifty akers. 5s. for the first year & Married (1) Mary Married (2) GOTT, Mary 1.2 4151 John Kimball 8 (Richard 2, Richard 1) born about 1650; died about 1721 1384 married (1) 4133 Sarah; died 27 July 1706; 1385 married (2) 29 Oct 1707 4135 BURTON Hannah d/o Isaac Burton 4134 born 1686; died 16 Oct 1786 aged 100 - she survived her husband 65 years Children of Sarah born in Boxford: 4136 i) Sarah 4 born 19 Sept 1669 died 16 Nov 1720 married FOSTER William s/o William #4139 & Mary #4140(Jackson) Foster & grandson of Reginald Foster, one of the first settlers of Ipswich, Massachusetts., who was ancestor of most of the Fosters of New England. 4142 Children: 1.FOSTER Sarah 5 b 20 Apr 1693 4143 2 FOSTER Mary 5 b 02 Jan 1698 Boxford 4144 3 FOSTER John 5 b 27 Sept 1701 Andover, Massachusetts; d 17 June 1773 4145 4 FOSTER Joseph 5 4146 5 FOSTER Hannah 5 b ? m 25 June 1722 4149 LOVEJOY John 4147 6 FOSTER Lydia 5 b 1707; m 14 Feb 1728 4150 BLUNT Daniel 4148 7 FOSTER Asa 5 b 16 June 1710 d 17 July 1787 4137 ii) KIMBALL 4 Mary b 15 Jan 1671 1390 m 16 July 1694 4130 KIMBALL Benjamin 3, son of John Kimball 2 4138 iii) KIMBALL Richard 4 b 28 Sept 1673 d 22 April 1753, Boxford Pg 108, 109: 120 >>>> 4154 KIMBALL 5 Jacob (Richard4 4138, John3 4151, Richard2 4127, Richard1 4124) b 09 June 1700 in Boxford, Massachusetts d 1787 1393 m 11 Feb. 1723-2 4156 HALE Sarah b 06 Apr 1704 (she is called Sarah Kimball in the will of her brother, Jacob Hale #4157, dated Dec.19, 1731. PAGE 7/8/9/10: 4155 Jacob Kimball moved to Andover previous to Feb. 23, 1724-5, when he received land from his father by deed of gift. He was a blacksmith & had a shop in Andover, Massachusetts. He sold his home in Andover to his brother, Moses Kimball, Oct. 11, 1765. His will was proven June 8, 1787. In it he mentions his wife, Sarah, thus showing that she was alive at that time. Children: 4158 309 i. Sarah 6 b 5 Aug 1725 4159 ii. Mary 6 b 12 Dec 1727; d 11 Feb 1731-2 4160 iii. Hannah 6 b 01 Apr 1728 1394 m 17 Feb 1757 4171 KIMBALL Thomas, son of #4170 Ephraim Kimball, & a second cousin to her father 4161 310 iv. Jacob 6 b 1731; d 08 Nov 1810, Topsfield, Massachusetts 4162 v. Son 6 b 26 Feb 1731-2; died young 4163 vi. Benjamin 6 b 22 March 1733; d 23 May 1747 4164 311 vii. Moses 6 b 18 Jan 1736 - resided at Andover, Massachusetts. 4165 312 viii. Asa 6 b 15 June 1738 - went to MAINE 4166 ix. Richard 6 b 11 July 1740; d 12 Sept 1758 4167 x. Mary 6 b Aug 1742 d 06 May 1747 4168 xi. Phebe 6 b 14 Dec 1744 1395 m 16 Aug 1764 4172 TYLES Timothy of Boxford, Massachusetts., 4173 Child: STYLES Phineas 7 4174 STYLES Jacob 7 4169 xii. Mercy 6 b 10 Apr 1747 1396 m 01 Dec 1767 4175 PEABODY Jonathan of Boxford, Massachusetts. Children: 4176 1. PEABODY Sarah 7 b 08 Jun 1765 4177 2. PEABODY Oliver 7 b 03 Mar 1770 4178 3. PEABODY Amos 7 b 15 Sep 1772 121 KIMBALL Aaron 5 (Richard4, John3, Richard2, Richard1) b 17 Jan 1704-5 in Boxford, Massachusetts d before 7 May 1782, when his will was proven; m (1st) 13 May 1733 WOOD Sarah b 10 Oct 1707 m (2nd) 12 Feb 1767 Mrs. Mehitable (Griffin) Kimball, widow of Isaac Kimball of Bradford. Resided at Boxford, Massachusetts., where he was a deacon in the first church. His sons, Samuel & David, were leaders in the church choir about 1790. Children: i. Lucy 6 b 30 Apr 1734 m Capt. Joseph Symonds of Middletown, Massachusetts. ii. Sarah 6 b 03 Dec 1736 m (1) 09 Aug 1757 Abraham Reddington m (2) Humphrey Hook 313 iii. Rebecca 6 b 29 March 1740 m 03 Apr 1768 Moses Putnam of Danvers 314 iv. David 6, b 02 Apr 1743; d 24 March 1810 315 v. Samuel 6, b 06 May 1748 122 KIMBALL Amos 5, (Richard4, John3, Richard2, Richard1) b 08 Sep 1707 in Boxford, Massachusetts.; died 26 Jan. 1788 Pg 210 Asa Kimball 6 of Bridgton, Maine.: 312 KIMBALL Asa 6 (Jacob5, Richard4, John3, Richard2, Richard1) b 15 June 1738 in Andover, Massachusetts. m 15 July 1760 TAPLEY Hulda born 1738 He resided in Andover 7 Boxford, Massachusetts., St. John, New Brunswick, and Bridgton, Maine. In 1787 he bought a lot in Bridgton, Maine. & built a rope-walk some 300 feet in length. Children: 704 i. Samuel 7 , b 26 Jan 1761 ii. Richard 7, b 24 Jan 1764 **resided in St. John, New Brunswick (Carroll Kimball's note indicates this Richard probably father of Asa of Woodstock (Brighton), & of William of Jacksontown, & of Richard of Bridgewater) . iii. Hulda 7; b 22 Dec 1765 705 iv. Asa 7; b 29 Nov 1767 Andover, Massachusetts *ancestor 706 v. Israel 7 b 02 Dec 1769; d Nov. 1830 707 vi. Jedediah 7 b 29 Sep 1771; d 26 Mar 1852 708 vii. Sally 7 b Saint John, New Brunswick viii. Hannah 7 m BEAN, Timothy of Bethel, Maine. 709 ix. Jacob 7 313 KIMBALL Rebecca 6 (Aaron5,Richard4, John3, Richard2, Richard1) b 29 Mar 1740 in Boxford, Massachusetts m 03 Apr 1768 PUTNAM Moses of Danvers, Massachusetts. Children: i. Stephen Putnam 7 b 21 Mar 1772 ii. Sarah Putnam 7 b Nov 1773 314 David KIMBALL 6 (Aaron5, Richard4, John3, Richard2, Richard1) b 02 Apr 1743 in Boxford, Massachusetts d 24 Mar 1810 m 26 Apr 1774 FLINT Rebecca b 1746; d 29 May 1814 - She was a native of Danvers, Massachusetts. He was a soldier of the Revolution. On April 19, 1775, he was in ... 704 KIMBALL 7 Samuel (Asa6, Jacob5, Richard4, John3, Richard2, Richard1) b 26 Jan 1761 in Andover, Massachusetts. m CLARK Hannah of St. John, New Brunswick He lived in Andover, Massachusetts., & moved to Bethel, Maine. in 1796 - brother of Richard see page 201 History of Bridgewater, Maine: He married, first, Margaret Cole, 23 Feb 1660/1. widow of Henry Dow He married, second, Ursula SCOTT, daughter of Henry SCOTT and Martha WHATLOCK. Born, circa 1595. Died, 1658. Individual flags: *ANC. CAUTION: Etta has an error. As of 10 Mar/93 records show Ursula Scott #2975 married, 1st Richard #3 Kimball; married 2nd Richard #1 4124 Kimball Below: lineage back to Egbert, King of England, 802, came from: "The Compendium of American Genealogy" Volume V pp. 79-80 1933, edited bynFrederick Adams Virkus, F.I.A.G., Executive Director, The Institute of AmericannGenealogy Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland 1968 Reprinted 1987 01. Ursula Scott (2975) married Richard Kimball (Richard #3 Kimball or Richard #1 Kimball 4124) >There is an error here by Etta 02. Henry Scott, of Rattlesden Parish, County Suffolk, England married Martha Whatlock, who came to America in 1634 03. Sir William Scott married Lady Mary, daughter of Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham. 04. Sir Thomas Scott, of Scotshall married Elizabeth, daughter of Rt. Hon. Sir John Baker, of Sissinghurst Castle. 05. Sir Reginald Scott, of Scotshall married Emaline, daughter of Sir William Kempe 06. Sir John Scotte, of Scotshall (1)married Anne, daughter of Reginald Pympe, (2)married Elizabeth, daughter of John Pashley 07. Sir William Scotte, of Scotshall, County Kent married Sybilia, daughter of Sir John Lewknor 08. Sir John Scotte, of Scotshall married Agnes Beaufitz 09. William Scotte, of Scotshall married Isabella, daughter of Vincent Herbert, who married Isabel ----. 10. John Scott, of Brabourne; Lt. of Dover Castle. 11. William Scott, of Brabourne married Marcella or Matilda 12. Michael Scott, of Brabourne married Emma 13. Sir William Scott, Knight, Marshall of England, Lord Chief Justice of England. 14. John le Scot, of Brabourne in Kent. 15. Sir William Le Scot (died ca. 1312), buried at Canterbury; youngest brother of John Baliol, King of Scotland. 16. Devorgilda, Countess of Huntingdon married John Baliol, Lord of Barnard Castle, founder of Baliol College at Oxford. 17. Margaret le Scot married Alan MacDougal, Lord of Galloway & constable of Scotland. 18. David, Earl of Huntingdon married Maude, daughter of Hugh le Keveloic. 19. Henry, Crown Prince of Scotland married Adeline, daughter of William de Warrene, Earl of Warrene & Surrey. 20. David I King of Scotland, 1124 married Maud, daughter of Waltheof, Earl of Northampton. 21. Princess Margaret married Malcolm III, King of Scotland 22. Edward, Prince of England married Agatha. 23. Edmund II, King of England, 1016. We now enter a lineage common to another of our lines. 24. Ethelred II, King of England, 979. 25. Edgar, King of England, 959 married 3rd Elfride. 26. Edmund I, King of England, 940, married Elgiva. 27. Edward the Elder, King of England, 901, founder of Cambridge University. 28. Alfred the Great, King of England, 878; founder of Oxford University. 29. Ethelwolf, King of England, 839; married 1st Osburga, an English Princess. 30. Egbert, 1st King of England, 802. Children of Asa Kimball & Hulda Tapley: i. Henry 4126[5] KIMBALL. Hubert Bryant says he married 1st Ursula Scott who was mother of children & remarried Margaret Cole, widow of Henry Dow. But Etta has Ursula Scott married to Richard Kimball 5 ii. Richard #8 KIMBALL. iii. Thomas 4129 KIMBALL. iv. Benjamin 4130 KIMBALL. He married Mary 4137 KIMBALL, 16 Jul 1694. v. Caleb KIMBALL. vi. Elizabeth 4132 KIMBALL.
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Copyright Etta Faulkner   2003